The Story Of Lilith

From Ancient Israel: Myths and Legends by Angelo S. Rappoport

The she-demon Makhlath (the dancer) and her daughter Agrath4 are two female demons who live in strife with Lilith.

Lilith is accompanied by four hundred and eighty hosts of evil spirits and destroying angels, and she is constantly howling. Makhlath is accompanied by four hundred and seventy-eight hosts of evil spirits. She and her daughter Agrath, from the Zend word Agra = beating, are in constant enmity with Lilith.

Constant war is waged between them, and they meet on the day of atonement. Whilst they are thus engaged in quarrel and strife, the prayers of Israel ascend to Heaven, whilst the accusers are absent, being otherwise enaged.5

Agrath commands hosts of evil spirits and demons, and rides in a big chariot. Her power is pararnount on Wednesdays and Saturdays, for on these days Agrath, the daughter of Makhlath, roves about in the air accompanied by eighteen myriads of evil spirits.6

1. Niddah, 16b; Erubin, 100b.
2. Alphabetum Siracidis (Sepher Ben Sira), edit. Steinschneider, 1858. See on Lilith. Gaster, in Monatsschrift fuer Gesch. u. Wissenschaft d. Judent., Vol. XXIX (1880), pp. 553-555.
3. Elia Levita, Tishbi s.v. Lilith.
4. Pesachim, 112b; Numbers Rabba, 12.
5. Yalkut Chadash, s.v. Keshaphim, No. 56.
6. Pesachim, 112b.

Bacharach, 'Emeq haMelekh, 102d-103a

The Alien Woman is Lilith, and she is the sweetness of sin and the evil tongue. And from the lips of the Alien Woman honey flows. And although the Impure Female has no hands and feet for copulation, for the feet of the serpent were cut off, nevertheless the Female in her adornments looks as if she had hands and feet. And it is the mystery of her adornments that she can seduce men.... And she leaves the husband of her youth [Samael] and descends and fornicates with men who sleep below in the impurity of spontaneous emission, and from them are born demons and spirits and Lilin, and they are called the Sons of Man. (Patai81:462ff)

[8]. On Lilith = Serpent = Woman of Whoredom see 'Emeq haMelekh 23c-d. [AH] The Zohar links sin, lust, and death. All these are the works of Lilit acting in consort with Sama'el. The phrase "woman of whoredom" is from Hosea 1:2; "end of all flesh" is from the story of the Flood, Genesis 6:13; cf. Zohar 162b-63b. [Matt:228] [9]. corresponding to the number of lashes administered by the court according to rabbinic law; seee Deut. 25:3; Mishnah, Makkot 3:10. Lilit's allurements soon turn into punishments. [Matt:228]
[10]. Cf. Talmud Bava Batra 16a, where Satan's itinerary is described: "He descends and leads astray, ascendas and arouses [God's] anger, obtains permission and takes the soul." [Matt:228]
[12]. He exposed himself to demonic and sexual temptation as part of his journey of transformation. [Matt:228]

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On this we need spend little time. The Folk interpretation of this myth is the most literal, and sees the myth as an actual event. In this, Lilith is an actual demoness who is blamed for such things as mothers dying in child-birth, still-birth, crib-death, and erotic dreams among men.
The succubus aspect of Lilith is perhaps the most complicated. As we know, the Judaic life was very strict, full of Divine Laws and hundreds of ways in which a man might break them. Even an impure thought was greatly unwanted, let alone impure actions. With sexual release being such a taboo, it is no surprise that erotic dreams were very common—and even more so were they feared. This was no case of seeing a woman and being aroused. This was committing the full act, in detail, and enjoying it the entire time! Add to this that it is not uncommon to dream of women you know, other men's wives among them. This, then, even became a breaking of one of the Ten Commandments. Not to mention that the result of these dreams was to be cursed as one who has "spilled his seed." Yet, this was something that could never be avoided—and was thus going to be a continuing source of guilt. The relief for this guilt was to blame it on a succubus, Lilith, rather than yourself.

And what of the demon children that Lilith spawned with your seed? Why, upon your death, these spirits would hover around your household, demanding their rightful inheritance from your estate. This translated into much havoc being wreaked for the family, and may have been used to explain the hardships associated with death. There were even steps a family would take to ensure the illegitimate demon-children were banished from the house upon the husband's death. Of course, Lilith was not the only possible mother for these children. Jewish Folk Tales are full of men being tricked into marriages with beautiful demonesses, Lilith simply being the greatest among them.

It was thus that we have many examples of talismans against Lilith. The bowls are the earliest examples of this. Even more recent are the talismans which bear the images of the three Angels and the Hebrew phrase: "Senoy, and Sansenoy, and Semangeloph! Adam and Eve! Out Lilith!" These would be hung over wedding beds as well as delivery tables and cribs. In many cases the inscription was painted upon or over the door to the place. All of this done as per the agreement Lilith made with the Enforcer Angels.

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Bacharach, , 'Emeq haMelekh, 84b, 84c, 84d

Lilith is a harlot who fornicates with men. She has no mating with her husband, for He [God] castrated the male and cooled the female. And she becomes hot from the fornication of men, through spontaneous emission. And enough of this.... (Patai81:463) This Lilith -- the Merciful One save us!-- has dominion over children who issue from a man who has intercourse at candlelight, or with his wife naked, or at times when he is forbidden to have intercourse. All those children who issue from these mentioned, Lilith can kill them any time she wants to , because they are delivered into her hand. And this is the secret of the children laughing in their sleep when they are small: it is from Lilith who plays with them. And I heard that when a small child laughs during the Sabbath night or the night of the New Moon, it is because Lilith is playing with him, and it is well that his father or mother or anyone who sees him laugh should tap his nose with his finger and say: "Go from here, you accursed one, for you have no resting place here!" Let him say this three times, and each time he recites this incantation let him tap the child's nose. And this is very good, for it is in the power of Lilith to kill them when she wants to. And since she has permission to kill these infants, these souls are called Oppressed Souls. (Patai81:463f) Blind Dragon rides Lilith the Sinful -- may she be extirpated quickly in our days, Amen!-- And this Blind Dragon brings about the union between Samael and Lilith. And just as the Dragon that is in the sea (Isa. 27:1) has no eyes, likewise Blind Dragon that is above, in the likeness of a spiritual form, is without eyes, that is to say, without colors.... (Patai81:458) Samael is called the Slant Serpent, and Lilith is called the Tortuous Serpent (Isa 27:1). She seduces men to go in tortuous ways.... And know that Lilith too will be killed. For the groomsman [BlindDragon] who was between her and her husband [Samael] will swallow a lethal potion at a future time, from the hands of the Prince of Power. For then, when he rises up, Gabriel and Michael will join forces to subdue and bring low the government of evil which will be in heaven and earth. (Patai81:468)

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Bacharach, 'Emeq haMelekh, 121b

And he [Blind Dragon] is castrated so that he cannot beget, lest [his offspring] annihilate the world. (Patai81:458)

Bacharach, 'Emeq haMelekh, 140b

The Blind Dragon is between Samael and the Evil Lilith. And he brings about a union between them only in the hour of pestilence, the Merciful One save us! And he is castrated so that the eggs of the viper should not dome forth into the world. For were it not so, they would annihilate the world. And that kind which is called Lilin are full of hair from their heads down to their feet, but on their heads they have no hair and all their body and face is full of hair. And this Lilith has fourteen evil times and evil names and evil factions. And all are ordained to kill the children -- may we be saved!-- and especially through the witches who are called Kinder Benimmerins in the language of the Ashkenaz [German]. (Patai81:458f)

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Bacharach, 'Emeq haMelekh, 102d-103a

The Alien Woman is Lilith, and she is the sweetness of sin and the evil tongue. And from the lips of the Alien Woman honey flows. And although the Impure Female has no hands and feet for copulation, for the feet of the serpent were cut off, nevertheless the Female in her adornments looks as if she had hands and feet. And it is the mystery of her adornments that she can seduce men.... And she leaves the husband of her youth [Samael] and descends and fornicates with men who sleep below in the impurity of spontaneous emission, and from them are born demons and spirits and Lilin, and they are called the Sons of Man. (Patai81:462ff)

[8]. On Lilith = Serpent = Woman of Whoredom see 'Emeq haMelekh 23c-d. [AH] The Zohar links sin, lust, and death. All these are the works of Lilit acting in consort with Sama'el. The phrase "woman of whoredom" is from Hosea 1:2; "end of all flesh" is from the story of the Flood, Genesis 6:13; cf. Zohar 162b-63b. [Matt:228]
[9]. corresponding to the number of lashes administered by the court according to rabbinic law; seee Deut. 25:3; Mishnah, Makkot 3:10. Lilit's allurements soon turn into punishments. [Matt:228]
[10]. Cf. Talmud Bava Batra 16a, where Satan's itinerary is described: "He descends and leads astray, ascendas and arouses [God's] anger, obtains permission and takes the soul." [Matt:228]
[12]. He exposed himself to demonic and sexual temptation as part of his journey of transformation. [Matt:228]

Bacharach, ''Emeq haMelekh, 19c

And behold, the harsh husk, that is Lilith, is always in the sheet of the bed of a man and a woman who copulate, in order to take the sparks of the drops of seed which go waste, because it cannot be without this, and she creates from them demons, spirits and Lilin. And there is an incantation to drive away Lilith from the bed and to bring forth holy souls, which is mentioned in the holy Zohar. (Patai81:463f)

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R. Ya'aqov & R. Yitzhaq

Grandmother Lilith the Great--Samael the great demon and great king over all demons has intercourse with her. And Ashmodai king of the demons has intercourse with Little Lilith. The demon whose name is Qaftzefoni, on rare occasions, when permission is granted him, has intercourse with, and attaches himself to, and loves, a creature whose name is Lildtha [Lilith], and she resembles Hagar the Egyptian. A great jealousy sprang up between Samael the greater prince of all and Ashmodai king of the demons over Lilith who is called Lilith the Maiden, and who has the form of a beautiful woman from the head to the navel, and from the navel down [she is] flaming fire. Like mother like daughter... And there is no good intention in but only to arouse wars and all kinds of destruction. And they are occupied with war, the war between Lilith the Daughter, and Grandmother Lilith.... (Patai81:464) And they say that of the offspring of Ashmodai and Lilith his wife was fashioned a great prince in heaven who rules over eighty thousand destroyers and despoilers, and he is called Sword of Ashmodai the King. And his face flames like the fire of flame. (Patai81:469)

R. Ya'aqov and R. Yitzhaq

Samael resembles the form of Adam, and Lilith the form of Eve. Both were born in an androgynous form, corresponding to the form of Adam and Eve: below and above, two twin forms. And Samael and Grandmother Eve [i.e., Lilith], who is the Northerner, are emanations from beneath the Throne of Glory. And the sin [of Adam] caused this evil. (Patai81:453)

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Yalqut R'uveni 147a

And the Kabbalists said that the prince who serves before her is called Sariel [My Prince is God], and they have received the tradition that this prince is the greatest king of the demons who rule in the air. In the middle of the night of Yom Kippur [Day of Atonement], forced by the acts of the sages and elders, Sariel comes against his will, together with 131 warriors, flying in the air, and their faces are aflame with sparks of fire. And the scribe whose name is Pifiron brings, written and sealed by the hand of Sariel, all the secrets of the firmament, and reveals them to the elders. And from the emanation of Lilith's prince come spirits and demons and Lilin, and evil spirits who have the likeness of humans. And just as all that time Adam was separated from Eve he begot spirits and demons and Lilin and all kinds of harmful spirits, likewise Above, so to speak, a spirit of spiritual seduction emerged from Lilith and brought accusations against the attribute of the Foundation of the World[3]. And from that time on alien and evil cohorts were born, destroyers of the world of Above and of Below. And the Holy Seed had no power to materialize, except in two or three persons such as Seth, Enoch, Metushelah, Noah, Sem and Eber, but most of the world were idolaters. (Patai81:467)

[1] The author identifies the "two women" mentioned by Zechariah with Igrat and Naamah, just as he identifies "Wickedness" with Lilith. [Patai, n. 11]
Zechariah 5:5-11 reads:

Then the angel who talked with me came forward and said to me, "Look up and see what this is that is coming out.

"I said, "What is it?"
He said, "This is a basket coming out." And he said, "This is their iniquity in all the land." Then a leaden cover was lifted, and there was a woman sitting in the basket! And he said, "This is Wickedness." So he thrust her back into the basket, and pressed the leaden weight down on its mouth.

Then I looked up and saw two women coming forward. The wind was in their wings; they had wings like the wings of a stork, and they lifted up the basket between earth and sky. Then I said to the angel who talked with me, "Where are they taking the basket?"
He said to me, "To the land of Shinar, to build a house for it; and when this is prepared, they will set the basket down there on its base." [NRSV]

[2] On BlindDragon as the sexual go-between for Lilith and Samael see Lilith, Samael and BlindDragon"
[3] One of the divine attributes. [Patai, n. 12]

19. In answer to your question concerning Lilith, I shall explain to you the essence of the matter. Concerning this point there is a received tradition from the ancient Sages who made use of the Secret Knowledge of the Lesser Palaces, which is the manipulation of demons and a ladder by which one ascends to the prophetic levels. In this tradition it is made clear that Samael and Lilith were born as one, similar to the form of Adam and Eve who were also born as one, reflecting what is above. This is the account of Lilith which was received by the Sages in the Secret Knowledge of the Palaces. The Matron Lilith is the mate of Samael. Both of them were born at the same hour in the image of Adam and Eve, intertwined in each other. Asmodeus the great king of the demons has as a mate the Lesser (younger) Lilith, daughter of the king whose name is Qafsefoni. The name of his mate is Mehetabel daughter of Matred, and their daughter is Lilith.

This is the exact text of what is written in The Chapters of the Lesser Palaces as we have received it, word for word and letter for letter. And the scholars of this wisdom possess a very profound tradition from the ancients. They found it stated in those Chapters that Samael, the great prince of them all, grew exceedingly jealous of Asmodeus the king of the demons because of this Lilith who is called Lilith the Maiden (the young). She is in the form of a beautiful woman from her head to her waist. But from the waist down she is burning fire--like mother like daughter. She is called Mehetabel daughter of Matred, and the meaning is something immersed (mabu tabal). The meaning here is that her intentions are never for the good. She only seeks to incite wars and various demons of war and the war between Daughter Lilith and Matron Lilith.

They say that from Asmodeus and his mate Lilith a great prince was born in heaven. He is the ruler of eighty thousand destructive demons and is called "the sword of king Asmodeus." His name is Alefpene'ash and His face burns like a raging fire ('esh). He is also called Gurigur, for he antagonizes and struggles with the prince of Judah, who is called Gur Aryeh Yehudah (Lion-cub of Judah). From the same form that gave birth to this war-demon another prince, a prince whose root is in Kingdom, was born in heaven. He is called "the sword of the Messiah." He too has two names: Meshihi'el and Kokhvi'el. When the time comes and when God wishes, this sword will leave its sheath and verses of prophecy will come True: "For My sword shall be drunk in the heavens; Lo, it shall come down upon Edom" (Isaiah 34:5). "A star rises from Jacob" (Numbers; 24:17). Amen. Soon in our days may we merit to see the face of the Messiah our righteous one; we and all our people....

22. I shall now teach you a wonderful innovation. You already know that evil Samael and wicked Lilith are like a sexual pair who, by means of an intermediary, receive an evil and wicked emanation from one and emanate to the other. I shall explain this relying on the esoteric meaning in the verse "In that day the Lord will punish with His great, cruel, mighty sword Leviathan the twisted serpent and Leviathan the tortuous serpent"--this is Lilith--"and He will slay the dragon of the sea" (Isaiah 27:1). As there is a pure Leviathan in the sea and it is called a serpent, so there is a great defiled serpent in the sea in the literal sense. The same holds true above in a hidden way. The heavenly serpent is a blind prince, the image of an intermediary between Samael and Lilith. Its name is Tanin'iver[24] The masters of tradition said that just as this serpent slithers without eyes, so the supernal serpent has the image of a spiritual form without color--these are "the eyes." The tradiationists call it an eyeless creature, therefore its name is Tanin'iver. He is the bond, the accompaniment, and the union between Samael and Lilith. If he were created whole in the fullness of his emanation he would have destroyed the world in an instant. .

When the divine Will arrives and the emanation of Samael and Lilith weakens the emanation achieved by the blind prince, they will be completely annihilated by Gabriel prince of Strength, who instigates war against them with the aid of the prince of Lovingkindness. then the verse which we have expounded according to its secret meaning will come true....

24. I found written in the name of an ancient traditionist and in the name of the perfect Hasid of blessed memory[25] that Lilith is also Taninsam.[26] They said that this name is based on the serpent who is in the image of an intermediary between Lilith and her mate. He will eat deadly poison at the hands of the prince of Strength; it is an elixir of life for all whose inclination overcomes them. Then he participates with Michael, the prince of Lovingkindness, in defeating the rule of evil in heaven and on earth. Then the verse will come true: "For His Lovingkindness has overcome us; the truth of God endures forever. Hallelujah" (Psalms 117:2).

The secret of the covenant of salt (melab)[27] is the kingdom of the accompaniment of beauty[28] Therefore they hinted with secrets regarding the salted fish [Leviathan] to feed the righteous in future time. Happy is he who understands these things as they are.

[24]. Literally "blind serpent."
[25]. Rabbi Judah the Hasid?
[26]. Literally; "poisonous serpent," but also "blind" (suma').
[27]. See Numbers 18:19.
[28]. Malkhut Leviat Hen.

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Yalqut R'uveni 147a

And the Kabbalists said that the prince who serves before her is called Sariel [My Prince is God], and they have received the tradition that this prince is the greatest king of the demons who rule in the air. In the middle of the night of Yom Kippur [Day of Atonement], forced by the acts of the sages and elders, Sariel comes against his will, together with 131 warriors, flying in the air, and their faces are aflame with sparks of fire. And the scribe whose name is Pifiron brings, written and sealed by the hand of Sariel, all the secrets of the firmament, and reveals them to the elders. And from the emanation of Lilith's prince come spirits and demons and Lilin, and evil spirits who have the likeness of humans. And just as all that time Adam was separated from Eve he begot spirits and demons and Lilin and all kinds of harmful spirits, likewise Above, so to speak, a spirit of spiritual seduction emerged from Lilith and brought accusations against the attribute of the Foundation of the World[3]. And from that time on alien and evil cohorts were born, destroyers of the world of Above and of Below. And the Holy Seed had no power to materialize, except in two or three persons such as Seth, Enoch, Metushelah, Noah, Sem and Eber, but most of the world were idolaters. (Patai81:467)

[1] The author identifies the "two women" mentioned by Zechariah with Igrat and Naamah, just as he identifies "Wickedness" with Lilith. [Patai, n. 11]
Zechariah 5:5-11 reads:
Then the angel who talked with me came forward and said to me, "Look up and see what this is that is coming out."
I said, "What is it?"
He said, "This is a basket coming out." And he said, "This is their iniquity in all the land." Then a leaden cover was lifted, and there was a woman sitting in the basket! And he said, "This is Wickedness." So he thrust her back into the basket, and pressed the leaden weight down on its mouth.
Then I looked up and saw two women coming forward. The wind was in their wings; they had wings like the wings of a stork, and they lifted up the basket between earth and sky. Then I said to the angel who talked with me, "Where are they taking the basket?"
He said to me, "To the land of Shinar, to build a house for it; and when this is prepared, they will set the basket down there on its base." [NRSV]
[2] On BlindDragon as the sexual go-between for Lilith and Samael see Lilith, Samael and BlindDragon"
[3] One of the divine attributes. [Patai, n. 12]

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Kabbala: Lilith the Seductress

In the following passages Lilith is revealed in her role as succubus. Her job in this guise is to sleep with men (which they experience as wet dreams), or otherwise collect their semen. Then she becomes pregnant from them and bears demonic children. This process begins with Adam who attempts celibacy for a period of time. That separation from his wife leaves him vulnerable to Lilith (and Naamah, who functions similarly). There may, in this, be an underlying invective against the practice of celibacy as part of religious dedication. Celibacy was obviously a part of Christianity at the time and the story teller may hope to prevent its catching on in Jewish circles. Lilith may also collect semen even from the marriage bed, though. The sage must be careful to ensure that she is denied access to the bedroom through both proper modesty and the performance of prophylactic rituals. Naamah, like Lilith, is a demon-seductress. In that sense their roles appear identical. Naamah, however, doesn't have Lilith's baby-stealer(/corrupter) role.

Kabbala: Lilith, Queen of the Demons

There are at least two demonesses named Lilith, and numerous others with similar jobs on the dark side. Samael and his wife Lilith the greater rule over all...

Kabbala: Lilith , Samael and Blindragon

Lilith's husband, Samael, has been castrated. In order to have sexual union with him, they must use a third character, BlindDragon. I'm not sure I want to know how this works. See also Pardes Rimmonim 186d

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School of the RaShBA

Then came two women harlots to King Solomon. They were Lilith and Igrat. Lilith who strangles children because she cannot make of them a veil for herself to serve as a hiding place for her. And the second is Igrat. On night King David slept in the camp in the desert, and Igrat coupled with him in his dream. And he had emission, and she conceived and bore Adad [king of Edom]. When they asked him, "What is your name?" he said, "Sh'mi Ad, Ad Sh'mi [My name is Ad, Ad is my name]," and they called him Ashm'dai. He is Ashmodai, king of the demons, who deprived Solomon of his kingship and sat on his throne, and therefore he was of the seed of the king of Edom (1Ki. 11:14), for he came from the side of the kingdom of evil. These two women strangled the son of the Shunamite woman.... All [the four queens of the demons, Lilith, Igrat, Mahalath and Naamah] and all their cohorts give birth to children, except Lilith alone, who does not bear, but is just a fornication in the world.... (Patai81:459)

b. Shab. 151b

Rabbi Hanina said, "One may not sleep alone in a house, for Lilith takes hold of whoever sleeps alone in a house."

b. Baba Bathra 73a-b

Rabba bar bar Hana said, "I once saw Hormin, a son of Lilith, running on the battlements of Mahoza.... When the demonic government heard of it, they killed him [for showing himself]."

Nathan Nata Poira, Tuv haAretz, p 19

Know that there are seventy heavenly patrons, one appointed over each nation, and they all are under the rule of Samael and Rahab. Rahab was given as his share all the borders of Egypt, which measures 400 by 400 parsangs Samael was given four kingdoms, and in each of them he has a concubine. The names of his concubines are: Lilith, whom he took as his consort, and she is the first one; the second is Naamah; the third, Even Maskit; and the fourth, Igrat daughter of Mahalath. and the four kingdoms are: first the kingdom of Damascus, in which is found the house of Rimmon; the second, the kingdom of Tyre, which is opposite the land of Israel; the third, the kingdom of Malta, which formerly was called Rhodos (?); and the fourth, the kingdom called Granata [Granada], and some say that it is the kingdom of Ishmael. And in each of these four kingdoms dwells one of the four aforementioned concubines. (Patai81:460f)

Targum, Job 1:15

Lilith, the Queen of Zemargad, launched an attack and seized [the sons of Job] and killed the young men.... (Patai81:465)

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Moses Cordovero, Pardes Rimmonim 186d

The ancient ones explained that there are two Liliths, one little and one great. The great one is the spouse of Samael, and she is a woman of harlotry, and the little one is the spouse of Ashmodai. And about this Lilith, the bride of Samael, the Geonim explained the she controls 480 legions as is the numerical value of her name. And on the Day of Atonement they go forth into the deserts, they march, and she screeches for she is the princess of screeching And Mahalath daughter of Ishmael, she too is a concubine of Samael, and the two [Lilith and Mahalath] go forth with 478 legions. She goes and sings in the Holy Tongue songs and paens. And when the two meet on the Day of Atonement they quarrel there in the desert. They strive, the one with the other, until their voices rise up to heaven, and the earth shakes with their clamor. And all this is brought about by the Holy One, blessed be He, so that they should not accuse Israel while they [Israel] pray. And others wrote that that husk [i.e., demoness] is called Meshullahel [Messenger of God], and the reason is that she sends out evil angels, may the Merciful One destroy them! And we found it written that the wicked Samael and the evil Lilith have the likeness of a couple which, with the intermediacy of a groomsman, receives an emanation of evil and insolence, flowing from the one to the other.

And about this mystery it is written, And on that day the Lord with His sore and great and strong sword will punish Leviathan the Slant Serpent, and Leviathan the Tortuous Serpent, and He will slay the Dragon that is in the sea (Isa. 27:1). Leviathan is the connection and the coupling between the two who have the likeness of serpents.[2] Therefore it is doubled: the Slant Serpent corresponding to Samael, and the Tortuous Serpent corresponding to Lilith.... (Patai81:464f) The DragonAbove is the BlindPrince who has the likeness of an intermediary groomsman between Samael and Lilith, and his name is Tanin'iver, BlindDragon. And he is like a blind dragon...and it is he who brings about the adhesion and coupling between Samael and Lilith. Had he been created whole, in the completeness of his emanation, he would have destroyed the world in one minute. (Patai81:458)

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