Stevens Point
54481-3897 1108 Fremont Street
(715) 346.3849
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point was established in 1894. Today it enrolls 8800 students. Student-to-faculty ratio is 22 to 1. Average class size is 28 students. UWSP provides a choice of 120 undergraduate programs within 48 undergraduate majors and 78 minors. Half of all incoming freshmen rank in the upper 25% of their high school class. Average freshman ACT score is 23; average high school GPA - 3.4.
Study abroad programs are offered by UWSP International Programs in more than 20 locations around the globe including France, Ireland, China, Australia, Britain, Mexico, Germany, New Zealand and Spain
ESL Program courses are designed to help you develop the English skills you need for the university classroom and the professional workplace. Our classes also highlight the practical English you need for everyday situations. Instruction is interactive, encouraging you to practice English through a variety of activities. Your courses focus on academic reading and writing as well as listening, speaking, and pronunciation.
ESL Program instructors are experienced ESL teachers trained in ESL teaching methods who hold degrees in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), linguistics or a related field. Your instructors speak numerous languages besides English and have experience traveling & living abroad.
The UWSP ESL Program offers five instructional sessions each year. The ESL Program offers four instructional levels. Each level is a full-time, eight-week course, with 20 hours of instruction weekly. A second session of study is available at each level, using different instructional materials, if necessary.
$1950 per 8 weeks.
$100 - Application Fee
$65/month - Student Health Insurance