97361 345 N. Monmouth Ave.
(503) 838.8425
WOU was founded in 1856. The total enrollment of the University is about about 4500 undergraduates and 400 graduates. The University is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.
The Intensive English Program (IEP). Program at Western Oregon University was established and is administered by the International Office to provide the intensive English language training to international students.
Intensive English program consists of three levels beginning with beginners. Each level contains instructions in the four basic language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in an integrated syllabus that also includes elements of American culture helpful in English study and life in the United States, and a preparation for the TOEFL test near the end of advanced level courses. Each level consists of five hours of instruction five days a week for nine weeks each term for a total of 225 lesson hours per term, plus five hours per week language practice with American students.
Elective Courses:
Computer Software – electives, focused on using a variety of computer applications. Students will learn about commonly used computer programs, and proper file and folder management methods.
English Activities – electives, focused on improving English skills through experiential learning. Students will practice all aspects of the English language through playing games, participating in activities, and taking field trips.
Performance English - electives, focused on using performance techniques to improve fluency, intonation, pronunciation, communication and confidence in speaking English.
Studies in Culture – electives, focused on comparative studies in culture. Students will learn more about American customs, traditions and culture as well as share aspects of their native cultures.
$9,000 per academic year