New York
New York
10027-6902 2960 Broadway
(212) 854.1754
Columbia University was founded in 1754. The total school enrollment is almost 25,000 students.
The University has 5 campuses in New York, Palisades and Paris.
Barack Obama (cc’83) became the first graduate of columbia and the first african american elected president of the United states.
Columbia’s collections are housed in 22 libraries. The collections comprise more than 10 million printed volumes, 6.3 million microform units, 28 million manuscripts, more than 600,000 rare books, and extensive electronic resources.
Intensive Program. 12-week and shorter courses; English grammar, pronunciation, fluency, listening and reading comprehension, and writing.
Part-Time English Programs. Part-Time Morning and Evening Programs
Courses at intermediate and advanced levels of English proficiency.
Special practice in developing listening and speaking skills. Special practice in producing the sounds and rhythms of English.
Special Programs:
University Preparation Program. Two-semester program combines ALP courses with credit-bearing Columbia University courses and is designed to provide students with the skills necessary to succeed in an undergraduate degree program at Columbia University or any other American university.
Advanced Academic Preparation. Seven-week course for students who have immediate plans to enter a degree program in the U.S.
English for Professional Purposes: Business. English language for business professionals and pre-MBA students.
English for Professional Purposes: Law. English language for legal professionals and pre-law students.
English for Professional Purposes: SIPA. English for graduate studies in international and public affairs. Only open to students who are entering Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs.
College Composition for International Students. English composition for nonnative speakers of English.
Intensive Program - $2,925
Part-Time Evening Course - $1,300
Advanced Academic Preparation - $5,200.00
English for Professional Purposes: Business - $3,250
English for Professional Purposes: Law - $3,250
English for Professional Purposes: SIPA - $3,900