(229) 333.7410
The University enrolls approximately 11,500 from 46 states and more than 60 countries. VSU offers undergraduate work leading to the following degrees: Associate of Applied Science in five major programs, the Associate of Arts, the Bachelor of Arts in 13 major programs, the Bachelor of Science in 12 major programs, the Bachelor of Science in Education in 8 major programs, the Bachelor of Business Administration in five major programs, the Bachelor of Fine Arts in seven major programs, the Bachelor of Music in two major programs, the Bachelor of General Studies, the Bachelor of Science in Nursing, the Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology, and the Bachelor of Applied Science.
Classes are small, with an avarage of 8 students per class. Four hours, five days a week, are spent in class, and students are expected to spend additional time in preparation for the classes. Students are assigned to one of four curriculum levels on the basis of a placement test at the beginning of each term. Students who have successfully completed one level will be promoted to the next level. Preparation for academic achievement, as well as an introduction to American culture and university life, will be used as the basis of classroom work.
- Grammar: English grammar is taught and practiced through a variety of communicative and functional activities.
- Reading: Courses focus on building vocabulary, reading, and study skills, with materials appropriate to each level.
- Writing: Students learn and practice techniques that will help them develop the writing skills necessary for academic success.
- Speaking/listening: Communicative activities help students improve their comprehension and expression of spoken English and reinforce vocabulary and pronunciation.
- Optional Classes: Optional classes are offered in IBT TOEFL, and other fields according to student interest. These additional classes are available for a nominal charge and require a minimum number of participants.
- Attendance: Students must attend 85 percent of their classes and do the assigned work in order to stay in the U.S.
- Certification: At the end of each term, certificates will be awarded to all students who complete the ELI program and are ready to proceed with regular university coursework. In addition, certificates are awarded for special achievement and attendance
Cost per term, 8weeks - $2000 (Cost includes tuition, some books, mandatory activity fees, and mandatory insurance.)