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This is online community of international students studying in the USA.
The site where students help students to survive and thrive during their stay in America.
International Students Online

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Internship Opportunities.

Guys, we are glad to announce several internship opportunities, that will be extremely beneficial to you. You'll have:

1) Fun.
2) New Friends from all over the world.
3) Unique important experience in online team work.
4) Professional growth.
5) Official Internship.
6) Official Letter of Recommendation, CV enrichment.
7) Selfrealization, being the part of the important youth Project.

7 positions (Editing, Marketing, PR, Management, International Relations..), are open now with Team. List of positions and their desciption follows.

Anybody, interested in:
1) PR or Marketing
2) Editing Articles
3) Internet Search
4) sharing impressions, news and ideas on the international students related topics.

Apply as soon as possible.
Appointment period may vary from one semester to several years.

Just contact us! Be sure to include following information:
1) Your name
2) Home Country.
3) Major/ profession.
4) Positions at Project Team Interested in.
5) Main reason why you'd like to join Project Team.

List of Open Positions:

1. Editor.
2. Chief Editor.
3. Project Leader.
4. Marketing Manager (Marketing Research Manager)
5. PR Manager
6. Community Manager (International Relations Manager)
7. Research Assistant.

Study at
College of Southern Maryland

Reedley College

Concordia University Wisconsin

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Your gateway to the latest info on resources specifically for international students in the USA.

Our student network includes: US College Prorgams and Degrees College Student Fun, Online Education, International Students
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